Sunday, March 23, 2008


happy easter. not much happen except an awesome time with awesome new friends. I spent 250rmb this weekend. thats about 30 bucks. pretty disappointed in myself. i live too gluttonously on the weekends. but thats the only time that i can, so why not. This weeks food intake is as follows (as best as I can remember).

2 ikea hotdogs.
2 large pizza hut pep pizzas
2 mango milks
1 coke
1 cheese and ham sandwhich
1 beef and brock
1 fried rice
1 grapefruit juice
1 mcds icecream sundae
1 ikea ice cream

wow. i feel sick looking at that. its gross. all of the sudden, chinese food sounds super good. Tonight I ate with the Xie family. They own a corner store next to my house. THey are awesome. they teach me to cook the veggies and then we eat together. if you seen pictures as of late, they are Sprout's parents. Good people. Tonight we had chicken parts, beef and cabbage. it was awesome to just sit down with a random person and talk for a few hours. he's got some really cool things going on in life. life is so simple for him. family, the store, and friends. that's all he worries about. its great.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

cell phone

i left my cellphone in a taxi today. drats.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I just spent a week of my life with a very negative person, but his heart is good. He keeps those he loves close to him by saying negative things. His job is to find faults in the products of this company and get rid of them absolutly. He does this very very well, but its ruining him inside. He said only a few thing that had a positive spin for entire week I have been with him. I've noticed alot of negative people around me right now, and it just drains them. The fact that I've realized it has made me react to it better. I've been able to look at my own thoughts, words and actions alot more than I normally would. I came across this quote. Its helped me to put into words what I've felt.

“If you and I are having a single thought of violence or hatred against anyone in the world at this moment, we are contributing to the wounding of the world...”-deepak chopra

Sorry for the philosophy, but I wanted to write this down somewhere useful.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


been a while since i have written and so i thought i'd catch everyone up. I'm sitting in a room right now in a factory. This is the place where we can get online and do our work when we have some downtime. I've been asked to come to this factory and check our shipment that is going to be getting sent out soon. It's a pretty boring thing to do so far. We've mostly just sat around. We're staying in a hotel that's pretty standard. I don't know the name of this town that I'm in. I've heard it, but forgot it. I know that its on the border of the province, 400km from Shenzhen. THis is probably some of the greatest bits of poverty I've seen. Its amazing how the people here live is such low ways of life. If you were here, i'm pretty sure you'd be sickened by it. I've been here quite a while, but still am. There really is no hope for most these kids, and that's sad to me. If they don't work in a factory, the don't eat, and they die. That's the reality of it. There is zero government aid. Any buses that would get them out to a bigger city would cost half a months salary. The system has them stuck.

It's made me realize how well off I am. I go where I want to go. If I think I could or should do something, I do it. I really think America gave me that. I'm critical of the US government because I love it. When what it should do and what it does split ways, that's where the citizens step in. We have to speak up, if we don't, we lose. Here, they are dogmatic. The government is divine to them and they dare not question it. The few that do, have to do so in the shadows or a lowered voice. Its a terrible thing not to have free speech and speak your mind to a government that listens. As the economy opens, so does the governemnt. I hope in the years to come, the government here can open up more and more. I'd like to see a chinese kid travel to America, just because they want to.