Saturday, February 9, 2008

hong kongy

from the looks of it, i'm in Hong Kong. What an adventure today has been. I've taken trains/buses/taxis and motorcycles today to get where I am. And all for under $15. I got a call 2 days ago from Mr. Zhang in Taiwan. He's a rich dude who is a good friend from my mission. He asked me to come out and spend a few days with his family. So here i am. $498 later, i'm waiting for my flight. Life just seems to come together. Hong Kong is amazing. The bay is like nothing I've ever seen. There are huge boats, amazing bridges, and some of the best looking buildings in the world. I've found out stuff is expensive here. I just paid $2 for a pear. But it was good. They really like horseracing in Hong Kong too. Everyone was watching the TV in the place I ate lunch. They have all these papers with the days races and what not. It was absolutley amazing. I'm loving this job that I've got and look forward to going to Taiwan. Getting back is going to be fun too. Work is going to get nuts and alot of cool stuff will happen. But until then, I'm just looking forward to Taiwan, friends, food, fireworks, and melon tea.

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