Saturday, February 2, 2008

Retired at 23

So this is what feeling old is going to be like. But I'm 23. Today I've got a pretty cool thing going on. I've got 14 days to do whatever I'd like to. I can't work. I don't have any responsibilities. Seriously none. Its amazing. I'm loving it. Let see how long it takes me to get bored eh.

Well the reality of it all is I've got Chinese New Year to do whatever I want to. Everybody is gone and there's not really anything to do in our little community. I've been asked to dinner by a few of my neighbors and I hope that I can join them for some good foods. I'm planning on doing day or 2 day trips to see the interesting things in my part of the Chingchang around here. I'm going to head up into the mountain villages and see what there is to see. I'm hoping to find somebody that will loan me or rent me their motorcycle for me to drive way up there. I've got to wait for the rains to calm down just in case. I want to find somewhere that needs help. There are lots of little hotels and stuff way up there, it kinda reminds me to Hana up there. Minus the ocean and the hawaiians. But wild chickens and mountains are the same. Anyway, I've got alot of good books to read during this vacation too. I'm in the middle of Lost Horizon right now, and want to go to Tibet even more than ever. We'll see what lifes got planned out.

As you've probably heard, everybody and their uncle are at the trainstation. I'm hoping that I can go see some of these shinanagans tomorrow after church. Church is about 7 minutes from all the excitment. If its still gnarley, i'll take good pictures. I'm stoked about going to Ikea for hotdogs and cinnibuns tommorow. Today i ate at mccdonalds. 2chickens and 2cheeseys. and now i feel sick. But its a gratifying sickness.

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