Friday, February 29, 2008

chinese mullet

I've got my first chinese mullet. i was trying to go a long time without cutting my hair but i figured i'd just cut my hair. Only cost $.75 USD. nuts eh! well it's only worth about double that. But i've never really cared about hair. The kid that cut it was tripping out the entire time and said my hair was really soft. He said that chinese people hair is really thick.

Went and taught engrish at a little elementary school yesterday. It was good. The kids were really stoked for me to be there. Their teachers english isn't good. I feel bad for the education system in the country. Its basically helpless. 8 teachers for 400 kiddies.

I'm laying on my bed right now. I see 8 mosquitos.


Miss C. said...

I want to see a picture of this chinese mullet.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick how are you?...I saw your blog at Hanna's and wanted to say HOLA. I am so jelous of what you are doing, and the impact that you are having on these wonderful people; they will always remember you. I hope you are doing well.