Tuesday, February 26, 2008


terrible idea. last night, a teacher from the local school wanted to take me out to dinner. i said ok. the idea was good right up til the point where they brought out the snake. Take my advise, if you need to survive, eat snake. If you are at some fancy diplomatic dinner and they have snake, try snake. But if your at some mom and pop place out in the middle of the nowhere, don't try the snake. Its been a harsh day today. Coke has been my best friend and i'm trying to relax as best I can. I think I've cleared my system pretty well, so let's see how well we can get through the night.

found out the most terrible place to get a mosquito bit. right on your big toe just next to the nail. i woke up with a painful foot last night at 4. somehow my right foot had ventured out of the mosquito net and was attacked.

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