Tuesday, January 1, 2008


hey everyone. if you've found your way here i'm guessing that you've heard i'm going to china for a few months. here's the run down. i'll be in a placed called Dinghu. Its a little city. kinda by zhaoqing, which is kinda by guangzhou, which is kinda by hong kong. googleearth dinghu china. it should be pretty easy to find. as far as i've heard, i'm the only foreigner in the city, except when the president of the company is town, then there is 2 of us.
i'm going over for 5 months. 4 of which will be spent as an intern with a company called mondoro. you can check out www.mondoro.com if you want to see what they do. i'll be dabbling in quality control, accounting, marketing, charity work and some stuff i've never heard of.
the last month, i'll spend traveling around china with some close friends. we've been loosely planning this since the summer. we're planning on traveling the trains and staying in hostels. we're going to mainly see the outdoors and ruins, staying away from shopping centers and western foods.
i'm going to try to write a bit everyday about what i'm learning, the people i meet, and the food i eat. i'll put pictures up too.
i hope you guys will all stay in touch. if you'd like to email, you can get me at nick55@byu.net. i've also set an msn account up so i can use the internet phone stuff. i have skype too. if you want that info, shoot me an email as i don't remember it. so stay in touch. i hope everyone is well. happy new year.


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