Sunday, January 6, 2008


first day in church. awesome. lots of africans. they are all real cool. the ward is really diverse which i think is awesome. one of the guys in the bishopric is from NC, which is really cool. life is good.
i got a lesson in how to use my toilet. here are the steps. squat, go, then get a bucket of water to pour into the squatter to flush everything down. simple.
i took a trip into the town of zhaoqing with some girls from work who helped me get my cell phone set up. it was only $10 for 2 months. the city was huge. it had 8.000,000 people in it. the biggest city i've ever been to. i told somebody that last night and they said that zhaoqing isn't big at all. church is in guangzhou which has 20 mill or something.
the picture is from behind my house. which is cool. that i tall mountain is ding mountain.

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