Friday, January 25, 2008


i just got back from my first time at a ktv. thats where people go to drink and sing karoke. it was hilarious. we were suppose to be going to a government run singing contest. what ended up happening? we got driven to a ktv where a bunch of the prominent officials were waiting for us. we all sang our songs, then the drinking began. i just had to tell them i don't drink once and then they were pretty cool. they just let me drink my coke without a fight. i did a pretty good rendition of american pie, hey jude, and i got you under my skin. karoke is alot more fun than i thought it would be. well all the officials got pretty pitched. at the end of the night i watched the dage hand over about 700rmb to the lady and i just got pitched. they spend 700 on a night. thats about how some people get for a whole month of work. why would you spend that much when the retirement home i'm working with thats right down the road needs money alot more. hurray for corruption. the guy that drove us home was swerving everywhere, but we got home safe. learned a few good lessons today. #1-no more ktv #2-no more driving with drunks #3-chiense people like the beatles.

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