Sunday, January 27, 2008

my heads going to explode.

i've got some weird chinese form of the cold. everytime i cough i feel like my head might explode. lots of pressure. I've got medicine though and i'm taking them often. i should be fine soon.

taking the bus is kinda hit or miss here sometimes with which driver you get. i've made real good friends with a good few of them. they let me ride for free sometimes and one is bringing his guitar to work today and will call me when he gets to our little neighborhood and we'll play for a bit. but there is one guy who is a pretty big kook. he has something against me. by the portriat of mao zedong in his bus, it could capitalism. but i beat the system. he drives faster than the bus should be driven, and hence lots of shaking and bumping and slamming. but i had on of the greatest times in my life and sat in the back row of the bus getting launched up into the air on every pot hole. i was getting thrown out of my seat as he nuked down our little road. it was fun. as i got of the bus he got confused when i told him he was a good driver.

Gus-the boy with the sickness- is doing as well as possible. I went to see him the yesterday. I think he's starting to knwo me. When i walked in the room i was alone and just walk in. I smiled and we just looked at each other for a few seconds, then he turned around and put he head down again. With some help from Dr. Carter and a few other doctors we know, we've sent videos of him to a few people, we're trying to get him diagnosed. So far the verdicts are a cerbrial palsy or angelmans diesese. Without his parent's around to ask questions to, its super hard to get some background understanding of the condition. Things will work out, they always do.

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